PinnedThe struggle for open data in the construction industry.Fighting over data or a joint collaboration between Nemetschek and Autodesk to promote open workflows?May 15May 15
Der Kampf um offene Daten in der Bauindustrie.Ein Kampf um Daten oder eine gemeinsame Zusammenarbeit zwischen Nemetschek und Autodesk zur Förderung offener Arbeitsabläufe?May 16May 16
Lobbyist Wars and BIM Development. All PartsA series of articles titled “Lobby Wars and the Development of BIM” describes the evolution of ideas and the progress of data sharing in…May 7, 20221May 7, 20221
Open Source im Bauwesen. Opacity of the IFC Format and buildingSMART.Unfortunately, with the advent of BIM, access to data in the construction industry has not become more accessible or cheaper. BIM data…Apr 8, 2022Apr 8, 2022
Open Source in Construction.Unfortunately, with the advent of BIM, access to data in the construction industry has not become more accessible or cheaper. BIM data…Dec 23, 20211Dec 23, 20211
Gründe für die Ineffizienz der Bauindustrie und das Datenmonopol der Konzerne.Der Grund für das fehlende Produktivitätswachstum und die weit verbreiteten Spekulationen im Baugewerbe liegt in der Qualität der Daten…Dec 22, 2021Dec 22, 2021
Lobbyist Wars and the Development of BIM.The reason for the lack of productivity growth and the spread of speculation in the construction industry is the quality of the data used…Oct 4, 20212Oct 4, 20212
Technologiegiganten verwenden Investmentfondsgelder, um eine zunehmende Anzahl neuer Entwickler…Die heutigen Marktführer in der CAD-Branche — Autodesk, Hexagon, Nemetschek, Bentley, Trimble — sind auf zukünftige Bedrohungen gut…Aug 3, 2021Aug 3, 2021
Lobbyist Wars and the Development of BIM.Tech giants use investment fund money to control an increasing proportion of new developers and products, thus blocking the path for new…Apr 20, 20211Apr 20, 20211
🏗 Comparison of technologies in construction, BIM and 5D Design in Asia and Europe 🌍: KAZAKHSTAN…Since the writing of the first article about wages in the construction industry (Can you earn more in another country? Engineering…Apr 5, 2021Apr 5, 2021